Shade: The Voice within
Once again I found myself in an impossible situation, it’s like I just blank out and boom!!!! am already in a fight, I took a step back realizing my mistake on going on the offense, then my mind slipped through the past couple of weeks and reflected on how it had all led from one poor decision to a bad one then further to a worse one. Then He told me to lean left, turn around, dock and jump forward and like always I did exactly that and I saw the opening I had been waiting for.
The surprised cornered tout thinking he could take scrawny me on by himself realized his mistake too late as I followed His instructions, feinting left, side stepping the opponent’s punch then suddenly reversing my momentum to the right, leaving tout completely vulnerable.
In less than the three seconds it took the touts two other companions to arm themselves weapons, their third companion was sprawled on the floor groaning, as I walked over him towards the remaining opponents.
As I approached them, He (the voice) told me what to do. In the two weeks the voice had started speaking to me, I had learned the hard way to trust the Voice’s opinion in fights such as this. In that two weeks, a 17 years old such as myself has gotten in more fights than all my 17 years on earth together.
The third opponent jarred my thoughts back to the present as he brought the weapon in his left hand downwards with deadly accuracy, while the other tout edged in with his club parrying My blow and leaving a bruise on my shoulder. The third opponent slashed diagonally with the other Pepsi bottle in his right hand, before I knew it, I was cornered.
Like the light at the end of the tunnel, He (the Voice) came to the rescue, He spoke in my mind as clear as a thunder clap and I knew what to do. I stopped my default parrying maneuver and slightly accepted the hit with the side of my fore head, shattering the bottle. The attacker caught off guard never saw my blow already in motion before accepting the direct hit, he only felt the air being knocked out of his lungs.
Blood tickled down my fore head but I took no note of this as I bared my hateful gaze on the final tout. Grabbing the top of the broken bottle from the new fallen opponent and I approached my last opponent. The tout took a step back, turned and started to make a run for it but didn’t go far before he had the top of the broken bottle sprouting from his back.
As I walked up to the just fallen opponent and I heard him groaning, standing over him, I suddenly felt this urge to suddenly reach out and end his life, an uneasy queasiness swooped me, like in a trance, I saw both my hands reached down to strangle the now helpless victim……………
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